Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Ebook Platforms! And Art

No, I am not putting my ebook on literal platforms. I'm a horrible carpenter.

My YA novel OCEAN OF EMPTINESS, thanks to the lovely, is now available on the Apple iBookstore and Barnes & Noble. Still priced at $0.99! I'm super excited that the book is becoming more widespread, and I hope that people will enjoy it on their Nooks and iPads/iPhones/iTouches/iEverything else. :)

Barnes & Noble

Short Summary of OCEAN:
 What do you get when you cross a runaway rich kid, a space mermaid, and a stuck-up teen commander with a bunch of pirates in space? ABSOLUTE CHAOS. Throw in a little hint of romance, a few starship battles, and a lot of yelling, and you've got yourself an intergalactic tale. Think Star Wars meets Little Mermaid.

Also, I'm in the middle of working on two new OCEAN OF EMPTINESS (OOE) illustrations that will be published very soon on Deviantart. Eventually, there will be several illustrations in OCEAN, all of which will also be available on Deviantart.

That's all for now! My next post will be about the OCEAN characters and my short sci-fi story SHIFT. :) Leave a comment, ask a question - whatever you'd like!

- Serena

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