Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blond Moment

Although I'm not technically a blond anymore, I still have my blond moments from time to time. The other day, I went outside to ride my bike... and voila, it was gone. Of course, I freaked out for the rest of the day, certain it was gone forever, and I would have to spend a lot of money (or visit Craigslist) to get a new one.

However, yesterday, I was walking home and glanced across the street... and there it was. I honestly don't remember leaving it in that spot, but as it was locked the way I locked it, I must have. But I'm apparently having memory loss... and a blond moment.

Also, I'm very disappointed with Barnes and Noble's Pubit! My novel has been processing for almost a month now, and their customer service is extremely lacking. Amazon is amazing.

Art classes are killing me this semester... I'm considering switching up some things for my majors. We'll see what happens.

Also - I'm so excited for the movies coming out this year and next. My list for this year:
Jane Eyre
Captain America
X-Men: First Class

Next year:
The Dark Knight Rises
Star Trek sequel
The Avengers

Yes, this post has been a bit random, but I feel like a stream of thought is needed sometimes. Thoughts? Comments? Feel free to do so. :)

Also, if you'd like to read the first chapter of OCEAN OF EMPTINESS, please click the link to the top left.

- Serena